Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Lamb Shanks with Chinese overtones

Carole's Chatter: Lamb Shanks with Chinese overtones

I have previously done lamb shanks here.  But for some reason it's a couple of years since I've given them a go again.

This version played with Chinese flavours.  What I used:

2 lamb shanks
Oil for browning – I used mustard/chilli/garlic oil
Chinese cooking wine (or sherry)
Soy sauce
Brown sugar
Tomato paste
A little bit of chopped fresh rosemary
½ cup of home made stock
Salt and pepper
1 lonely Brussel sprout
1 stalk of celery
1 carrot


Heat a casserole dish on the hob (one that can go in the oven and is also ok on the stove top).  Put in your oil.  Brown the lamb shanks.

Add your Chinese cooking wine – and stir to get any stuck on bits off the bottom.

Then add soy sauce, brown sugar (a couple of tablespoons) and the tomato paste.  Add your stock.

Put the lid on and cook in a moderate oven turning now and again.  After about an hour add your chopped carrot, finely diced rosemary, finely peeled and chopped celery and the finely sliced Brussel sprout.

You could add any vegetable you have hanging about in the fridge – which is how the Brussel sprout got there.  The only vegetable that I think is a must have is carrot because it goes so well with lamb.

Serve when just about falling off the bone.  Very hearty and satisfying.

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