Friday, 22 November 2019

A New Zealand book every kid should read before the age of 12 - Juggling with Mandarins by V.M. Jones

The New Zealand Book Council came up with a list of books by New Zealanders that they reckon every kid should have read by the age of 12.  I decided to check out the ones I haven't read and post about the ones I agreed were good (in no particular order). This is the last post in the series.

Juggling with Mandarins was an engrossing read.  I admit to a little happy snivel at the end.

Pip McLeod is 13.  He plays soccer but doesn't enjoy it because his father is a terrible sideline pest.

He finds another sport quite by chance – something he wants to do.  And he teaches himself how to juggle (with mandarins natch)

Along the way Philip finds out some things about himself and his father.

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