Monday, 24 June 2019

The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan Van Eyck (1434)

The chap in this painting is an Italian merchant living in Belgium.  He is holding the hand of his very young bride.  I don't find any signs of warmth in the way he is holding her hand.  And he certainly isn't looking at her.  I'm not sure she is very happy either despite her magnificent gown.  The sleeves are something else.  The way she is holding her hand over her stomach makes me wonder… But apparently it was the fashion back then to look pregnant.  The things at the bottom left hand corner are slippers – don't look that comfy to me.

The little dog is the only being looking out at us.

I read an article that said that the man looks like Vladimir Putin!

My attention was drawn to this work by a huge doorstop of a book I got from the library – The Art Book from Phaidon Press.  Get it out if you have strong enough muscles.   There are 579 pages, each dedicated to one work by an artist.  The artists are in alpha order so you get interesting juxtapositions between modern art and old masters.

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