Sunday, 2 June 2019

Salmon with a tasty but split sauce

Carole's Chatter: Salmon with a tasty but split sauce

I was very pleased with the texture of the salmon but the sauce was a bit of a fail – tasted ok but looked terrible.

Piece of fresh salmon

Chopped olives (mix of black and green)
Yuzu sauce (could use lemon juice)
Knob of butter


Pre-heat your oven to moderate

Heat your frying pan to really hot.  Salt the skin side of the salmon.  Put the salmon in to the pan skin side down.  I cut the salmon into 2 – one bit was much thicker than the other so I put that thicker piece in for a couple of minutes first.

When the salmon has done about 5 minutes in the pan, transfer it to the oven to finish off gently.  This took about 15 minutes.

Make your sauce in the pan.  I think I should have let it cool down a bit and also should have poured out most of the oil.

I added the chopped olives, the cream, lashings of pepper and a splash of yuzu sauce (Japanese citrus). When it was clear that the sauce was splitting I added a knob of butter which didn't help the situation at all.

1 comment:

  1. Not everything in life works out as we plan. But at least you got some tasty salmon. Aloha,


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