Saturday 11 May 2019

We, The Jury by Robert Rotstein

We, The Jury is an accomplished legal 'thriller' set in a small US county.  I'm not completely sure that thriller is the right description – maybe more of a courtroom drama…

A woman has been killed by her husband but was it in self defence?  The issue is explored from the points of view of individual members of the jury, the judge, defence counsel and various court officers.

You never directly hear from the defendant or most witnesses.  It is very cleverly done and you don't know what's going to happen until the end.

I've always been interested in how juries work, or don't work, so this book was great for me.


  1. I have read quite a few courtroom drama stories. Some I liked, some bored me. I grew up on Perry Mason!

  2. That sounds very interesting. The cover reminds me of "12 Angry Men." So, I'll try to give it a go.


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