Thursday, 2 May 2019

Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple

I liked Where Did You Go, Bernadette so had some confidence that I'd enjoy this book.  And that confidence was borne out.

The book is compulsively readable, at times laugh out loud funny and also thought provoking for me in terms of how sisters relate to each other.

So what can I tell you about it without spoiling it for you?  The heroine, Eleanor Flood, is a graphic artist – and part of the book contains her drawings about the early lives of herself and her sister, Ivy.  Apart from a few flashbacks all the action takes place on the same day – and what a day it is!

Eleanor is a delightful protagonist – middle aged, scatty, flawed and hilarious.  Her child Timby is a great foil for her.  Her husband Joe is behaving strangely – but not for the reasons she suspects.

So, ignore the mean comments on Goodreads, and give this one a go.


  1. Ha! I almost always ignore the mean comments on Goodreads. Who are those people anyway? Glad to hear you liked this. I loved Where'd You Go, so much.

  2. I want to read both Today Will Be Different and Where'd You Go Bernadette. Great review! Cheers!!


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