Monday, 8 April 2019

State of the Month – Pennsylvania

Here is the next instalment of my monthly feature going through the States of the United States in alphabetical order to check out how they got named, what their flag is like and other things of interest. 

Pennsylvania's correct name is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  It is one  of the 13 original founding states.

Location – up in the north east.  Has borders with lots of states and with Canada.

Origin of name – Charles II named the state after a chap named Penn to whom he owed money.  It meant Penn's woods.   Penn's son was very embarrassed by the name but the King wouldn't change it.  Penn was a Quaker.

Nicknames – the Keystone State, Quaker State, Oil State, State of Independence, Coal State


Capital – Harrisburg.  The largest cities are Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

Unusual town name – Intercourse

Flower – Mountain Laurel

Signature foods – Pretzels, Shoofly pie

Famous places to visit – Independence Hall & Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Gettysburg battle ground, Presque Isle State Park, Fallingwater (Frank Lloyd Wright), Strasburg (Amish)

Famous businesses/brands – Heinz, US Steel, Hershey

Famous people from Pennsylvania – Arnold Palmer, Ethel Barrymore, Richard Gere, Jeff Goldblum, Gene Kelly, Grace Kelly, Mary Cassatt, Andy Warhol, Louisa May Alcott, James Michener, Andrew Carnegie, Joan Jett, Taylor Swift

Go to this Pinboard to see the States of the Month so far.


  1. Well, I'm from Pennsylvania but you didn't have me in the "famous section"! HA Born and raised in Penna...showed horses in Harrisburg...moved to Michigan in 1967....thanks for the forgot about the inclines, which I think are still there...and streetcars! I rode both to college downtown Pittsburgh! HA

  2. I have visited there but I did not know all these facts!
    Love the Amish country and the food! I bought some cookbooks and still use them.

  3. I was born in Pittsburgh, PA. My father worked for U S Steel. I was taken to see a steel mill in action as a little girl. It was so loud in there! I would like to visit Falling Waters. My mom loved the flower show in Philadelphia.


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