Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Balsamic Roasted Yams – Revisited

Carole's Chatter: Balsamic Roasted Yams Revisited

I have only had limited success with yams.  I find that if you don't watch out they can suddenly turn mushy.  This approach was different – I have put some quantities (about time you think) but you need to adjust them to suit your preference on the spectrum between sweet and sour.


Yams, chopped
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons of brown sugar (I used rock sugar)
¼ cup butter
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper

Your choice of garnish – I used rosemary and a little glass of limoncello – which I didn't drink since it was mid morning!


Heat your oven to quite hot.

Line a roasting pan with baking paper – don't forget to do this – otherwise you'll have a sticky mess that's difficult to clean up.

In a small pan heat the balsamic, sugar and butter – until it is a little sauce like.

Put the yams into a bowl.  Pour the mixture over them and mix them about.  Put the yams onto the baking paper in a single layer.

Bake for 15 minutes on fan.  Pour the rest of the mixture over.

Bake until yams are browned – about 20 minutes or so.

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