Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Books You Loved: New Year Edition

First – Happy New Year!

Books You Loved: December continued to provide reviews of great books. Thank you to all. Here are a few that caught my eye:

Faithful by Alice Hoffman was brought to us by Stacy's Books.  Stacy said 'I fell in love with Shelby and her journey of guilt, grief and forgiveness.  This was not an easy read (or listen in my case) since Shelby was such a lost soul, but little by little, as she survived and discovered her value, the emotional pull ultimately satisfied.  Do yourself a favor and give this bald, young adult who believes she doesn’t deserve to be here a chance.
I could go into more detail, but I really don’t want to.  I want you to discover it on your own.'

Annelies by David R Gillham was contributed by Elizabeth from Silver's Reviews.  She said 'ANNELIES is about Anne Frank and describes what the author thinks she would have been like had she lived…ANNELIES is a beautiful, heartfelt book you will want to absorb with attention to every detail. 

Anne seems as though she was and would have been a feisty young lady
that the world has missed and could have learned from. 5/5'

Seven Days of Us by Francesca Hornak was reviewed by Tina from Novel Meals.  Tina said (and I agree) that this was 'A fun dysfunctional family drama for the holidays!'

Dorothy from The Nature of Things brought over the latest VI Warshawski – The Shell Game.  Dorothy said 'What can I say? V.I. just gets better and better. This one was definitely one of my favorites in the series.'

For something different, Marci from Stone Cottage Adventures reviewed The Little Book of Lykke and said 'We all want to be happy, right?  This is such a sweet little book with practical advice on how to make that happen.  I especially loved the ideas for bringing neighbors together with ways of sharing what we each have.  There is also a section about how to visit with strangers.  My favorite quote from this book is, "Hand out smiles and friendly remarks.  They are free." '  I've ordered this one from the library.

Now on to the January edition.  There are no rules for this party.  The only requirement is that your post is about a book that you loved.

To add to the list just pop the name of the book (and your name/blog name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box and then copy and paste the url of your post about it into the second box. Mr Linky now also makes you tick a box.

I'll be pinning your links to this Pinboard to make it easier for you to check them out at a glance.  It also has links from previous Januaries…


  1. Lots of suspects and a good mystery,too. Authors beware!

  2. Done. Thanks and Happy New Year!

  3. whew 681 books this year, best was just read about a week ago, tx for a great year of good reads,
    Happy New Year all

  4. I need to throw in a book review every once in while because I've read some great books this year and would love to share. I always get wonderful ideas at your book links. Thanks!

  5. Lots of lovely recommendations on the lists. Thanks.

  6. Happy New Year! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  7. Thank you for mentioning "The Little Book of Lykke". It's actually the inspiration for my 2019 resolution of sharing with my neighbors. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  8. I had only one five-star read in December and I've given you a link to that - Florida by Lauren Groff. It's a collection of short stories either set in or with a connection to the Sunshine State. Happy reading in 2019!

  9. I brought you two books this time. Happy new year!

  10. Happy New Year ! My link goes to my blog review of Once Upon A River by Diane Setterfield.

  11. Happy New Year! Sadly, I am seriously behind on my reviews, so I have nothing to link in this month. Hopefully, will have caught and have plenty to share with you all next month.

  12. Happy New Year, and here's to discovering a plethora of new favourite books in 2019!

  13. My review for The Beautiful Strangers somehow had my review for The Dream Daughter linked instead. Here's the correct one:


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