Wednesday 10 October 2018

Roomies by Christina Lauren

By normal standards I should not have liked Roomies.  But I did!  Why?

Things that put me off initially:

The blurb on the front cover said 'A hypersexy sophisticated romance…'  This does not describe the book well and when you look closely at it it actually blurb about another book.  In fact you are two thirds into the book before any sex occurs and then it isn't overdone or gratuitous.

The title – Roomies – really?
The blurb on the back cover gives away too much of the story and sounds like the plot for Green Card (but he's Irish not French).

Why did I like it:

It is well written and draws you in quickly.  I read it in gulps.

While the plot is a cliché – face it – marrying a relative stranger to help them get a green card and then falling in love is not extremely original.  The way the plot was developed was interesting and not over wrought.

Holland, the main female protagonist is a quirky klutz working out what she wants in life – and like many women she doesn't realise what her talents are.

The author is actually a writing duo Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings.  I didn't realise this until after I had finished.  The whole book felt like one person wrote it so hats off to them.

Wikipedia says that this book is to be made into a film.  I think that will work well.

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