Wednesday, 9 May 2018

How Georgia Became O'Keefe by Karen Karbo

How Georgia Became O'Keefe is, of course, about the American artist Georgia O'Keefe.  But it isn't an ordinary biography.  The book's subtitle is "Lessons on the Art of Living".

You do learn about the artist and her life but in chapters devoted to different themes – such as defy, grow, adopt, muddle, rebel etc

I'm actually finding it quite hard to express just what it is that makes this book special – and special it surely is.

I made the mistake of looking at Goodreads reviews – and boy were they mixed. 

It is a book where the opinions of the author are intermixed with examples from O'Keefe's life.  The tone is conversational and funny.  This book is not at all high-faluting.

Give it a go and see what you think!

PS  The book is not full of illustrations.  I'm going to do a separate post about her art.


  1. This book sounds interesting, I do admire her art and the writer has an original concept.

  2. Thanks for your review. I love anything about Georgia O'Keefe!

  3. I'm fascinated by O'Keeffe's art, so this book sounds like a great read to me!


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