Monday, 9 April 2018

State of the Month: Montana

Here is the next instalment of my monthly feature going through the States of the United States in alphabetical order to check out how they got named, what their flag is like and other things of interest. 

Location – At the top and third from the left!  In terms of area Montana is larger than Japan.  It is the largest landlocked State.

Origin of name – is based on the Spanish word for mountain.  Montana became a State in 1889 (the 41st)

Nicknames – Big Sky Country, The Treasure State, The Last Best Place


Capital – Helena

Flower – Bitterroot

State Animal – Grizzly Bear

State Tree – Ponderosa Pine

State Bird – Western Meadowlark

Signature foods – Huckleberries, Chicken-fried Steak, Steak, Hootdogs, Pickle Barrel Sandwiches,

Famous places to visit – Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, State Capitol

Famous people from Montana – Gary Cooper


  1. Montana is a beautiful state, Carole! Long long stretches of very lonely road but breathtaking views. Been to both National parks there and Glacier is by far the best.

  2. Very interesting on the origin of the name.
    My sister lived in Montana for a while, it is such a beautiful state!


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