Monday, 16 April 2018

Billy Don't Be a Hero

Billy don't be a hero, don't be a fool with your life
Billy don't be a hero, come back and make me your wife
And as Billy started to go, she said keep your pretty head low
Billy don't be a hero, come back to me

I had to google who did this song – and it was a band called Paper Lace – I have never even heard of them.  But the song was memorable from the film Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Paper Lace were an English band – their other hit was The Night Chicago Died.  Billy was also a hit by Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods (who?)

The song is from the mid 70's.  Although Wikipedia says it is an anti-war song I never saw it quite like that.  I thought it was just a sensible woman asking her man not to take any unnecessary risks so he would come back to her.

To see Paper Lace do the song – click on this YouTube clip

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