Saturday, 11 November 2017

The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin

The Mountain Between Us is a romance-disaster novel – weird I know.  A surgeon and a journalist are in a small plane crash out in the middle of nowhere.

About half way through the book, though I was enjoying it, I felt it was becoming a bit predictable but then wowsa! Something I didn't see coming made the book quite unputdownable – and no, that's not a word.

The writing here is good and the plotting even better.  After I finished I realised just how many things were littered through the book that became important.

They have made a movie out of this book – I hope it'll be a goodie – but as is often the case, it'll take a bit to top the book.


  1. Unputdownable is a great review.

  2. A romance-disaster? Interesting!

  3. Do read his other books too. I saw the movie but my friend said the ending was different? To be honest I couldn't remember the book I just downloaded from our library so I can fast forward to that part! HA


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