Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Home Made Steak Burgers Refreshed

Carole's Chatter: Home Made Steak Burgers Refreshed

We do like having an occasional burger – but have taken to making our own. 


Scotch fillet steak
Chilli sauce
Plum vinegar
Worcestershire sauce
Salt & Pepper
Butter or spread
Hamburger buns
Red Onion
Tomato sauce
Sweet Chilli Sauce
Chilli Jam
American mustard


For this steak burger I took one piece of Scotch Fillet, bashed it flat with a pestle (wrapped in cling film).  Then I marinated it in a mixture of chilli sauce, plum vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and oil.  I only left it for half an hour or so but you could leave it as long as overnight.

I sliced the sesame seed topped hamburger buns in half and smeared some Flora Pro-Activ on it – you could use butter or margarine.

I Prepared the cold fillings – sliced gherkin, tomato, cheese and red onion.

I prepared a tomatoey sauce by mixing, tomato sauce (ketchup) with chilli jam, sweet chilli sauce and mayonnaise.

And I also got out my American mustard.

I then quickly seared the steak on each side before putting it into a moderate oven for 5 minutes or so.

Then I toasted the buns, buttered side down, in the pan (I wiped it out first, but you could do it straight in with the meat juices).  Keep an eye on the buns, you can burn them – I just like them warmed through with a tiny golden edge.

From there it is just a quick assembly job standing between you and a super delicious but simple steak burger.

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