Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Greatest Hits by Laura Barnett

Greatest Hits has an interesting premise.  An almost washed up singer from the 70's selects 16 songs she wrote that reflected important moments in her life.  She spends a day listening to them and with each one we live some of her back story.

Re-reading that it could sound boring.  But here's the thing – the life that is explored feels very authentic.  Themes that are explored include the impact of becoming famous on your life and your family.  And the impact of having a dysfunctional family background.

Another cool thing is that an artist (Kathryn Williams) has done an album based on the songs written for the book.  A real crossover moment.

Often while reading the book, I wondered if it was really fictional at all – it felt so authentic.  A new genre – fictional biography!

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