Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Smoked Fish Mornay – a Tuesday revisit

Carole's Chatter: Smoked Fish Mornay

I set out to make what I thought would be a smoked fish mornay.  But it turned out to be a delicious rice/spinach/smoked fish dish with most of the sauce absorbed into the rice.  I'll be trying this again.  It was a real hit.


Smoked fish – we had terakihi
Arborio rice
Fresh spinach
Capsicum – bell pepper
Spices – salt, pepper, nutmeg
Store bought lemon pepper sauce
White wine
Grated cheese

What I did:

I cut up my vegetables and flaked my fish – I put them into the baking dish (which I had lightly oiled).  I left the chopped spinach to last and put it on top (the reason for this will become clear)

I cooked the rice, drained it and then poured it while still piping hot into the baking dish so wilting the spinach.

I then poured the lemon pepper sauce and white wine (about 2 to 1) over the fish/veggie mixture.  Seasoned it and stirred it.

Then I sprinkled grated cheese on top  followed by a layer of breadcrumbs and a few knobs of butter.

I cooked it in a moderate oven (175 degrees C) for about 35 minutes.

It came out tasty.  The rice had absorbed the sauce and the smoked fish flavour and it all melded together nicely.  One of my better efforts.

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