Tuesday, 8 August 2017

I can't get my head around Twitter - do you like it?


  1. I think I have a Twitter account but I do not even know how to access it and I am not the least bit interested in anything anybody has to say on Twitter!!!

  2. I have deactivated my Twitter account twice, it's just ok. I find the conversations hard to keep up with, the way it's laid out.

  3. I started a twitter account years ago. I tried to "get it" but I never saw the big hoopla about it either.

  4. I have a twitter account for my food blog, but that's it. I post pictures of food, but that's it. It's a horrible venue for real communication IMO.

  5. I get quite a lot of traffic from Twitter by participating in FB group threads. Not really chatting over there though :-)


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