Wednesday 26 April 2017

My (not so) Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella

If you like literary novels My (not so) Perfect Life will not be the book for you.  If you want a humorous light hearted chick lit book – it's a goodie.

The heroine is a young woman trying to make it in London – she instagrams – and everything seems so great – until it isn't.  How she deals with a reversal in life and the way she responds to these challenges is canvassed in a fun way.

I got this book from the library after reading a review by Shauna of I Love to Read and Review Books

I have seen this book described as a 'palate cleanser' – I agree – it's like a sorbet – light fun and a bit fizzy.

If you want a moral, I believe it would be that this book shows the benefits of being authentic to the person you are.


  1. Awwwe I love a good chick lit. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I like a light hearted read in between the heavies!

  3. Loved this one, I'm a big Kinsella fan too though.


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