Saturday, 22 April 2017

Miss You by Kate Eberlen

Miss You is a gem of a book.  If I was being posh I would say it is a study of serendipity.  I normally don't like books with multiple story lines but this one is done so well that when the 2 stories do finally intersect you actually feel a bit jolted.

The story is not particularly special (a tad formulaic) but the character development of the main protagonists is done very well indeed.  You find yourself keeping on reading even when you have other things to do because you want to know how it turns out.  The stories span over more than a decade.

I was astonished when I realised that this was a debut novel.  It was thoroughly engaging and a little provocative at the same time.

The cover didn't do anything for me.

1 comment:

  1. The cover wouldn't have grabbed me either but the stories sound engaging.


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