Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

Small Great Things is a riveting read.  To say that Jodi Picoult is an accomplished writer is an understatement.

This book is controversial.  The author has been extremely brave to tackle a story with race at its heart.

Whatever you think about race and racism, this book takes a good story and presents it from several points of view – that of Ruth, a nurse who is the only black nurse employed in her hospital, Kennedy a public defender who is a white liberal and Turk, a white supremacist. 

Mostly the voices come across as authentic.  As always with a story there are some moments that felt contrived.

If you like Picoult's work do read this despite its theme.  It is not a lecture or an essay – it is a story.  But at times it does make you question the approach of the average white person to race issues – it certainly was uncomfortable to read at times.

I couldn't figure out the title until I got to the author's notes at the end where she explains that it comes from one of Martin Luther King's speeches. 


  1. I've heard a lot of good things about this book, but I've never actually read any of Picoult's books. Not sure why - I've just never gotten around to them. But I have her on my "to be read" list for 2017.

    Speaking of which, I just published my "best of 2016" post today. I invite you and your readers to visit it.

  2. It sounds intriguing......some good books are not always comfortable to read...

  3. I really liked this one as well (here's my review: Interesting re: the title, I don't think I figured it out either prior to reading this post.

  4. I loved this book and learned a lot--never realized how different life is for blacks in America. Here is the link to our review: My husband and I are both fans of Jodi Picoult.


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