Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Tuna & Courgette Pasta Bake

Carole's Chatter: Tuna & Courgette Pasta Bake

I haven't used canned tuna for a while so when I found myself with only a courgette as fresh food, I decided to make a Tuna & Courgette Pasta Bake.  As a note to my American friends courgette is what we call zucchini.


1 tin tuna
1 courgette, chopped
Handful of frozen peas
Grated cheese
Store bought hollandaise sauce
Snack sized cream cheese
½ small can of reduced cream
Splash of white wine (obviously optional)
Lightly cooked macaroni
Salt & Pepper
Touch of cayenne pepper
Flaked almonds and grated cheese for topping


This was easy to do.  Just cook your macaroni for 5 minutes or so, then mix it in your baking dish with all the other ingredients (except the topping ones)

Put on your almonds and cheese and bake in the oven til nice and golden – say for 20 minutes or so.

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