Monday, 10 October 2016

State of the Month – Delaware

Here is the next instalment of my monthly feature going through the States of the United States in alphabetical order to check out how they got named, what their flag is like and other things of interest. 

Location – Delaware borders Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It has a coastline. It is the second smallest State.  There are more corporations than people in Delaware.

Nicknames – the First State (because it was the first state to ratify the Constitution)


Capital – although Wilmington is the biggest city in the State, the capital is Dover.

Flower – Peach Blossom

State Tree – American Holly

Signature foods – Blue Crabs, Scrapple and Peach Pie

Famous people from Delaware – Joe Biden (current VP) (moved to the State at 10 years old), Henry Heimlich (invented the Heimlich Manoeuver), Dr Oz (of TV Fame), George Thorogood (Bad to the Bone) and Mabel Vernon (suffragist)

Go to this Pinboard to see the States of the Month so far.


  1. thank you for the information-some I knew-some I did not. Fun.

  2. Interesting that this is more corporations than people.


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