Sunday, 9 October 2016

Spiced Pineapple Pork

I hope you like this Spiced Pineapple Pork (and sorry about the pic).  I thought the flavours worked well.


Pork steaks
Brown sugar (about 1/3 cup)
Tomato paste – about a dessertspoonful
Pineapple rings (drained but keep the juice)
½ tsp chilli powder
1 tsp five spice powder
Salt & pepper
Soy sauce – a good splash
Pineapple juice
Parsley (chopped) and ½ chilli sliced for garnish


Brown the steaks in the oil.  Set aside and then caramelise your pineapple rings in the same pan.  I wasn't quite patient enough to get a really good colour (no surprises there).

Add your chilli powder and 5 spice to the pan.  After a couple of minutes add all the other ingredients except the garnish.

Finish the steaks in a lowish oven with the pineapple rings on top while reducing the sauce in the pan – just means boil the heck out of it until it is a nice thick consistency.

Pour the reduced sauce over your pork and pineapple, sprinkle the parsley and chilli over as garnish.

Serve with rice.


  1. This is one of our first real fall like days and my mouth is watering after reading this recipe! Perfect for this time of year! Thank you! I'm putting this on our menu for next Week!

  2. How pretty! And I agree with Linda -- this fits with our first cool evenings.

  3. Those ingredients are great flavor combos, I like the picture, by the way. Shows how it ought to look when putting it together.

  4. This will make a nice change from our usual pork chops. Thanks. :)

  5. Pork and pineapple are so good together!

  6. A good flavor combination, and your arrangement looks very pretty with the garnishes.

  7. It looks like a fast and easy recipe. ;-)


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