Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Books You Loved: October edition

Books You loved: September had lots of interesting books – as always.  Some reviews that caught my eye were:

The Ultimate Gift (What would you do to inherit a billion dollars?) by Jim Stovall was reviewed by Marci from Stone Cottage Adventures.  She said 'This is a book I recommend to anyone!'

Penguin Problems by John & Swift was reviewed by Alyssa from The Eater of Books!  Alyssa said 'In this book, an adorable penguin has so many complaints and problems, and it seems like no one is listening. Life is hard, and it feels like he is shouting into the void.'

The Paris Librarian by Mark Pryor was reviewed by Words and Peace.  The review said 'I thoroughly enjoyed this new mystery by Pryor, and devoured it in no time. The author has a knack for recreating so well the ambiance of Paris, especially the streets, this time around and also in the American Library (which even has a secret door, for real!), the center of this multi-layered mystery, rich in red herrings as well.'

The Foolish Gentlewoman by Margery Sharp was reviewed by Moira of Clothes in Books.  She said 'It's a bittersweet, melancholy book full of ideas and thought-provoking points, but also very funny and charming.'It's a bittersweet, melancholy book full of ideas and thought-provoking points, but also very funny and charming.'

Finally, the wonderful Gone Girl was reviewed by Guiltless Reading who said 'I know I am late in joining the Gone Girl bandwagon but I'm hopping on, willingly, and with guns blazing. Because it's been a while since I've read a book so utterly engrossing and so utterly ... brilliant.'

To see other books that were linked in, you can hop on over to this Pinboard.

Now for the October collection.  Remember the post doesn't have to be a recent one and the book doesn't have to have been recently published or read.  The only requirement is that it is about a book that you loved.

To add to the list just pop the name of the book (and your name/blog name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box and then copy and paste the url of your post about it into the second box.

I'll be pinning your links to this Pinboard to make it easier for you to check them out at a glance.

You may have noticed that I have now inserted a top page called Books in my header.  Here you will find books that I have reviewed because I thought they were great plus a list of books I have read but chose not to review.  It's a work in progress (now has all my book posts from 2014 to the present).

Happy October!


  1. An effortless read filled with twists and characters who surprise you; will leave you pondering long after you turn the last page.

  2. Remember the movie, Camelot? This book is better!

  3. Thanks for the email. my list of Sept reads is listed.


  4. Of course I had to add Peter Robinson!

  5. Once again I've linked you to three books that I enjoyed within the last month: a cozy mystery, a historical thriller, and a retelling of a Shakespeare play - winners all. Happy reading!

  6. Hi Carole, just added the first in a series from an Aussie crime author, Sulari Gentill. Great reading :)

  7. The Paris Librarian from last month sounded good. Good pick.

    Thanks for another great-looking list for this month.

  8. I have five books...hope that is ok.

  9. Thanks for hosting the link up, I have found more books to add to my reading list!

  10. It's only Tuesday afternoon, November 1st where I am in Albany, New York and I only just managed to drop by to post my review. I'll definitely try to do better next month! I have actually read this book before, about ten years ago, although that was way before I ever thought of maintaining a book review blog ;) Thanks for everything, Carole, see you next month!


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers