Monday, 11 July 2016

State of the Month - California

Here is the next instalment of my monthly feature going through the States of the United States in alphabetical order to check out how they got named, what their flag is like and other things of interest. 

Location – on the West Coast between Mexico and Oregon. It is the third largest state in area after Alaska and Texas.

Nicknames – The Golden State


State Seal

Capital – Sacramento

Flower – California Poppy

State Tree – Giant Sequoia

Signature foods – sourdough bread, Cobb Salad

Famous people born in California – Tom Hanks, Cher, Julia Child, Robert Redford, Shirley Temple Black, Kevin Costner, Clint Eastwood, Sally Field, Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe and too many others to mention!

You will find The Getty Center in Los Angeles – boy would I like to go there!  It was opened in 1997 and is a fantastic art museum.

And it would be great to drive down the Pacific Coast Highway.  This great road runs between San Francisco/Los Angeles and San Diego.

I have been to Yosemite National Park  - awe inspiring – and you have to watch out for bears!

Go to this Pinboard to see the States of the Month so far.


  1. I've never been but hear it's a gorgeous state. My brother lived near San Diego, said the weather was perfect. They have an abundance of laws though so I wouldn't settle there.

  2. Very informative! I love the photo of the Pacific Coast Highway

  3. I live in California and yes, the Pacific Coast Highway is breathtaking, especially near Big Sur.

    I've been to The Getty Center in Los Angeles. It has nice architecture and gardens, but I was less impressed with it verses other museums in LA and San Francisco.... The Getty Villa in Malibu is much nicer than the Getty Center in Los Angeles.... The Huntington Library, Art Collections, & Botanical Gardens are exquisite in LA + The DeYoung Museum in San Francisco is nice for art as well.

  4. Hellooooooo again!!! I'm embarrassed to say my apartment is only 12 miles from The Getty Center but I haven't been there yet!


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