Friday, 17 June 2016

Need Some Inspiration? Try Cakes!

Blueberry Lemon Cake

Well, Food on Friday: Cakes certainly showed just how popular cakes are.  I have selected a small number of them to inspire you today.  To see the rest you can pop over to this Pinboard.

I am also going to make one of these and post about my success or lack thereof.  Given that it is many years since I have baked a cake, the latter seems more probable!

NB: if you are wondering about where Food on Friday has got to, it will happen tomorrow, a day late.  The theme is tuna.

The first featured cake (at the top of the post) is a Blueberry Lemon Cake by Our Eating Habits.

Bailey's Chocolate Cake by Tramplingrose

Banana Layer Cake with Vanilla Frosting by James & Everett  - all the pics were fabulous!

Pineapple Sheet Cake by Cooking on the Ranch

Finishing with something a bit different Coca Cola Cake by Tina from Squirrel Head Manor

1 comment:

  1. Aw, yay! Thanks for featuring my banana cake! I can't wait to see which one you make. I am sure it will be splendid no matter which one it is. They all look lovely!


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