Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Leftover Sausages – again!

Carole's Chatter: Leftover Sausages - again!

As always, I was on a mission to use up leftovers.  I had 2 leftover cooked pork sausages.  So I decided to fill them and a capsicum I had (bell pepper) with a cheesy mixture.

The mixture was made up of:

Cream Cheese
A small bocconchini ball
Grated pizza cheese (from the supermarket)
Parmesan (bought at a farmers' market and shaaved with a microplane)
Mustard powder
Salt and pepper
Dash of cayenne pepper.

I baked these on a high shelf in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius (about 350 F) until they were golden.  


  1. My Dad use to make something similar for us kids and we loved it - cut open the cooked sausage and spoon in chopped apple, top with grated cheese, and grill until melted and heated through. Yummo!

  2. Yum...I like your spur of the moment leftover idea.


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