Sunday, 4 October 2015

Spinach & Bacon Frittata

Carole's Chatter: Spinach & Bacon Frittata

We had a bit of a glut of eggs, so I made a Spinach & Bacon Frittata. 


7 eggs
¼ cup reduced cream (or 1/3 cup of cream)
½ packet of bacon
½ packet of fresh spinach
1 tomato
Grated cheese (enough to sprinkle on top)
Chopped chives
Spices – tiny touch salt, lashings of pepper, ¼ tsp ground ginger, pinch of chilli powder, pinch of mace (could use nutmeg)
Vegetable oil


First heat your vegetable oil in your pan along with the spices.  Then, fry off your bacon (sliced up into smallish pieces).  When it is cooked (not too crispy) add your spinach (roughly chopped).  It will wilt down quite quickly – a couple of minutes will do it. 

I then transferred all this to the baking dish (if you had an oven proof fry pan you could do it all in the same dish). 

I whisked together the cream and eggs, added the chopped chives and poured the lot over the spinach and bacon.

I popped slices of tomato on top for colour and then sprinkled the grated cheese over the top along with some little knobs of butter.

Carole's Chatter: Spinach & Bacon Frittata

I was keen for the eggs not to toughen up when cooking so I put the baking dish into a larger dish with some water in it and cooked it at a low temperature for about 45 minutes.

I forgot to grease the baking dish so was really worried I wouldn't be able to get slices out but it worked out ok. 


  1. I love frittatas and this one is so pretty with the green and red.

  2. Ohhh, the perfect breakfast, or brunch or dinner even. Looks good.

  3. My mouth is watering! This looks like a perfect breakfast dish and I love the idea of cooking it in a water bath to keep the eggs from getting too tough.

  4. I love frittata! will definitely give this one a go in the water bath, I never thought of that, thanks for sharing.

  5. That's a great meal, I wish I had read your post last night. We had waffles, eggs and bacon for dinner but this looks so much better.

  6. Your frittata looks so tasty, I must try this recipe.

  7. Oh yum, but being a vegetarian I would make it without the bacon.

  8. This looks delicious, Carole ! Love the added chives :-)


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