Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Books You Loved: October Edition

It's the first Wednesday in the month again.  So, it's Books You Loved time.

Books You Loved: September was another great collection.  Some reviews that caught my eye were:

Tracey of Carpe Librum linked in The Taming of the Queen by Phillipa Gregory.  She said 'The Taming of the Queen is expertly written and easily one of my favourite books of the year.' I agree – a fabulously interesting book about the marriage of Katherine Parr and Henry VIII.

Bermuda Onion's Weblog brought over Kitchens of the Great Midwest. This is a novel.  She said 'tells the story of Eva Thorvald, a young woman who overcomes a tragic childhood to become a creative, inventive, and well-known chef. .. I adored this book – it’s sure to make my list of favorites for the year.'

Guiltless Reading reviewed Baker's Blues by Judith Ryan Hendricks.  She said 'Alternately depressing and inspiring, and interspersed with plenty descriptions of the power of food to heal, I'd recommend this novel to foodie fiction lovers, women's fiction readers, and those who want a better understanding of the dynamics of depression.'

And now for something different!  Everyday Fashions of the Thirties reviewed by Marci of Stone Cottage Adventures.  This is a wonderful picture book, as Marci says, showing clothing through the pages of Sears' catalogues.

Now for the October collection.  Remember the post doesn't have to be a recent one and the book doesn't have to have been recently published or read.  The only requirement is that it is about a book that you loved.

To add to the list just pop the name of the book (and your name/blog name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box and then copy and paste the url of your post about it into the second box.

I'll be pinning your links to this Pinboard to make it easier for you to check them out at a glance.

I hope you discover some great books to read – I always do!


  1. I added two book entries this month, Carole. Regards, and thanks for this meme.

  2. That should be Royal WE not Royal WEEK, oops!

  3. Thanks, Carole, for hosting this and inviting us to participate!

  4. Are you ready for danger, dueling, and excitement? Read Swords & Scoundrels!

  5. At your invitation, I am back! I have posted two months in a row I think. Thanks for the follow up.

  6. Thanks for this month's post.


  7. I read Dead Men Play the Game by Jacqui Jacoby and enjoyed it. Left the link to Paranormal Romance Reviews for it.

    Thanks Carole! *saw your picture at NZ Writers*

  8. Thanks Carole. Enjoy October!

  9. Just added mine. One is on Goodreads, as I didn't review it at my blog (per a new featuring policy I have), but I want readers to know about it.

  10. Thanks for the mention for last month Carole. Sadly I haven't read anything worthy of the list this month, so will just have to check out a few others on the list :-)

  11. Thanks for hosting -- just added two reviews of books I truly loved. I'm having fun looking at all the other reviews now!

  12. Another great book by Swedish author Fredrik Backman!

  13. Carole, I've linked three books that I read and enjoyed in September. Thanks again for sponsoring this monthly meme. Happy reading!

  14. This activity book is fun for children and adults!

  15. Thanks so much for allowing authors to post - I've family in this is exciting!

  16. I have added the link to the Gillian Bagwell title Carole, thanks for asking.

  17. Thank you for the opportunity!

  18. Hi there! Just added the link to "Lucky Dawg Meets Lucky Lucy". I didn't know I should have put the title in where it asked for name. I put MY name in there. Any way to fix that? It's Romance, and that IS one of my biggest loves in life... :-)

  19. Hi again, the 2nd post is the right one. I wanted to get the Australian link in there!!
    Sorry for the confusion... :-)

  20. I am sorry for being so late. Last month was not good. My mother died.

    Marianne from
    Let's Read

  21. Hello Carole,
    I just wanted to link up my favorite book for October. It was a reread, but I also linked in my original review from 2011. Somehow I screwed up my post and misquoted the title of the book. Lol! Anyway, the last two entries are the right ones #61 and #62.


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers