Sunday, 6 September 2015

Salt Potatoes

Carole's Chatter: Salt Potatoes

I had never heard of Salt Potatoes before seeing a reference to them by BookChickDi (one of my co-participants in the wonderful link up by Beth Fish Reads called Weekend Cooking).

After doing a bit of research I found that these potatoes are a speciality of Syracuse, New York.  They were simple to cook.  I used small ordinary boiling potatoes – next time I'll wait for the tiny new potatoes.

To cook Salt Potatoes all that is different from normal boiling is that you use 1 part salt to every 6 parts of water – that's a whole lot of salt.

The potatoes weren't over salty and tasted good served with lashings of melted butter.


  1. I have never heard of salt potatoes but I am going to have to try these!! I love all things SALTY! I happen to have LOTS of salt on hand. A few YEARS ago LD amd I were at Sam's and since I was out of salt and didn't want to have to stop at a regular grocery store on he way home - we bought a bag of salt! A 20 POUND bag of salt!! I won't be needing to buy any more for a vey LONG time!!!

  2. I'm going to try this with the next breadfruit I cook. Would be interesting.

  3. I've never heard of salt potatoes either -- interesting!

  4. I have heard of these but never tried to make them. I might give them a shot.

  5. I have heard of salt potatoes, but never tried them. I will have to give them a go!

  6. I have a friend who has a house in Syracuse and she brings me back a bag whenever she goes upstate,

  7. I am a huge potato fan, but the only way I don't like them is boiled. Don't know why - the texture, maybe.

  8. That is funny as I remember someone recently talking about salt potatoes and I had no idea what they were either! YUM!


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