Sunday, 20 September 2015

Lemon Ginger Tea

Carole's Chatter: Lemon Ginger Tea

I have been making myself Lemon Ginger Tea every morning since I saw a post about it on Kitchen Nostalgia – and I love it!

It's simple to make – just slice up a knob of fresh ginger and boil it in water for about 10 minutes.  Then add a little lemon juice and enjoy!

I like it straight but if you have a sweet tooth you might like to add a touch of honey or stevia or even sugar.

I now make enough for 3 days and store it in the fridge to reheat.


  1. Sounds good for when you have a cold, too, and don't want caffeine!

  2. It is good, especially iced, and I often add lemongrass and honey to that. Also added in with black tea.

  3. Simple but so good for you. I love ginger!

  4. Funny, but I've been drinking ginger tea with raw organic honey the past week and a half. I usually don't add fresh lemon juice to my tea though. But like you, I do make enough ginger tea to drink for 2-3 days.

  5. I too adore ginger -- I never thought of making my own tea ... This is going on my winter to-try list. Sounds so good.

  6. It always amazes me how such simple recipes can be so tasty. :)


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