Friday, 18 September 2015

Food on Friday: Essentially Raw Treats


The theme – Essentially Raw Treats – was suggested by  Lisa's Kitchen

Lisa has been a great supporter of Food on Friday – her blog has lots of fabulous dishes – all vegetarian.  One of my many faves of hers is Roasted Cauliflower Bites with Sriracha sauce – go check it out.

So the idea is to build a collection of dishes etc that use little or no cooking.  Just what we all need from time to time!

To add your dishes, just put the name of the dish together with your blog name/name into the first Mr Linky box you will find below.  Then paste the url for your post about it into the second box.

I'll be pinning the dishes to this Pinboard which will make it easy for you to check them out at a glance. 

Have lots of healthy fun!  Thanks, Lisa!


  1. Thank you Carole for featuring my suggested theme. I love raw treats and made one today in fact.

  2. Love raw recipes! Thanks Carole!

  3. I've brought you all sorts of things, this week! From dips to ice cream, sweet pies and savoury pesto - I surprised myself. :)

  4. Hi, Carole and all!

    The post for Anna Sultana’s Farfalle Salad, Maltese Style, also has a link for the recipe for Carmela Soprano’s Bow Ties with Fresh Tomatoes and Mozzarella recipe.
    Don’t panic about the farfalle - you can use any pasta you have.

    They’re both very easy recipes and use up those tomatoes we in the northern hemisphere are trying to use up before Christmas :-)

  5. Thanks for the invite to link up, Carole! Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi Carole my recipe is an iced cream pudding that cooks in the freezer then top with fresh fruit.

  7. Great theme this week Carole! x

  8. Thank you so much for the invite, Carole :)

  9. Thanks for the invite!! I shared a nice autumn salad.

  10. Added cookies- wasn't sure what the theme was this week

  11. Looks like lots of fun, easy, no cook recipes. Terrific. Cheers Carole!

  12. Good Morning Carole, This was fun. I added a Watermelon, Feta Cheese, Red Onion and Mint Salad. Yes it might sound like a strange combination, but honestly it works.... it is so refreshing.
    Best Wishes

  13. Hi Carole,
    Brought my Creamy Beet Salad!
    Hope you have a great weekend~


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers