Thursday, 19 February 2015

Need Some Inspiration? Try Oranges, mandarins & grapefruit!

Food on Friday:   Oranges, mandarins & grapefruit              was, indeed, inspirational.  I have selected a number of dishes that caught my eye.  I hope you like them too.  To see others in the collection you could head on over to this Pinboard.

The first dish at the top of the post is Gerlinde from Cooking Weekend's Upside-Down Orange Cake.  Wow!

Pepperoni & Orange Pizza by Farm Fresh Feasts

Blood Orange Ice Cream by Jo and Sue


  1. Thank you for featuring our Blood Orange Ice Cream! I love the look of the Pepperoni and Orange Pizza. Sounds weird but in a good way! :)

  2. Everything looks great....Good to look at...and interesting to eat!

  3. All of these look fabulous and the upside down cake is striking!

  4. Thanks for including me in your round up. I'm chuffed!

  5. Thanks Carole, lovely roundup. Oranges are such a winning ingredient, so many wonderful sweet and savoury dishes.


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