Friday, 27 February 2015

Food on Friday: Greek Food


This Food on Friday is featuring Greek inspired food.  Popular ingredients in Greek food include – Olives, Feta Cheese, Eggplant, Zucchini, Yoghurt, Olive Oil and, of course, the Greek liquor, ouzo.

To add your Greek inspired dishes, just put the name of the dish together with your blog name/name into the first Mr Linky box you will find below.  Then paste the url for your post about it into the second box.

I'll be pinning the links to this Pinboard – this is a quick way for you to scan the dishes and choose which ones you want to check out in more detail. 



  1. Hi, Carole and all!
    The post for my Ma’s Greek pasta sauce recipe ( # 11 ) also has a link for the Italian Bolognese Sauce, which is similar, sort of. Suit yourself :-)

  2. Thanks as ever Carole for hosting this linky

  3. Hi Carole, I don't have any recipes for Greek food...something I will have to work on....but I'll bring the Ouzo if you have the glassed:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  4. Thank you Carol for featuring Greek recipes. As a Greek I have added lots of recipes. I can go on and on and on :)

  5. I love Greek food, and can't wait to find some new delicious recipes!! Thanks so much for the party, Carole. Have a great weekend! :)

  6. Greek food is amazing.

    Hope your house move goes well. It's a great opportunity for a big clean out (if that's any consolation to sorting through piles of accumulated clutter!)

  7. Greek is a favourite here. Hard decide which recipe to post.


  8. Carole,
    I love the flavors of the Greek Isles, though I've never travelled there. I think I'd like to live on the island I read about recently--where folks eat simply, take naps, stay up late drinking wine with friends, and live longer than other places!
    I've linked up a variety of vegetarian and non dishes, appetizers to mains, for your selection.

  9. Carole, no Greek food posts of late. Last week I posted How to Make Clotted Cream. This week, Cucumber Tea Sandwiches. Sorry!

  10. Hey Carole, I just added my Greek Nachos. Thanks for stopping by Joybee, What's for Dinner? and inviting me. I have a few Greek recipes I'll try to add too.

  11. Delicious idea Carole! I have put up a recipe for Kolokithokeftedes or, Baked Zucchini Fritters. They are easy and are still crisp, even though they are baked. Thanks for the great link ups!

  12. I love Greek food. Lots of nice recipes here!

  13. Thanks for the invite Carole! It was hard to narrow it down, but I finally went with my Greek Quiche for One...such an easy and delicious recipe! Now I'm off to check out some of these other dishes...I do love me some Greek food! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Left my aubergine roll recipes! Thanks Carole!

    Sus @

  15. Greek food--one of my favorites!

  16. I added a few of my favourite dishes today, a little late, but... I'm finally here. Thanks so much for hosting this, I love all the great recipe ideas I get here.


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers