Sunday, 25 January 2015

Pistachio Fudge – Rescue Mission

Carole's Chatter: Pistachio Fudge – Rescue Mission

I decided that this was the year I would give some edible gifts.  So I found a recipe for Pistachio Fudge – it sounded easy and I thought I had followed it to the letter.  But the results were dire = all grainy and not properly set and all the nuts had risen to the top rather than being distributed throughout.  It was basically inedible.

But I couldn't quite bring myself to throw it away – so I piled it into containers and into the fridge and basically sulked.  A day or two later I was steeling myself to throw it out when I thought to consult Mr Google.

And there were lots of suggestions about how to rescue fudge – and it worked brilliantly.  In fact I am quite sure that the fudge was better for having been cooked twice.

Carole's Chatter: Pistachio Fudge – Rescue Mission

This is the failed batch.

This is the original recipe – I used a mixture of chopped pistachios and brazil nuts:

To rescue it I just added a splosh of milk and a spoonful of condensed milk and reheated it while continuously stirring it.  And it soon started to change colour and texture.  Magic!  After almost 10 minutes I took it off the heat and furiously whisked it with a wooden spoon  for 5 minutes– I couldn't use my stick blender because it would have chopped up the pistachio and brazil nuts even further.

Carole's Chatter: Pistachio Fudge – Rescue Mission

Then into a pan lined with baking paper quickly because the fudge was already on the verge of setting – talk about a contrast with my first effort!

I cut it when it was cooled and it was so sinfully delicious I couldn't give it all away – which was bad - at least for my waist line!


  1. I want a bite so bad, Carole! I love fudge. I made a Butterfingers fudge this Christmas and ate most of it myself. Good to know it's possible to rescue fudge!

  2. What a great rescue operation! I would never have thought that fudge could be rescued.

  3. LOVE that you were able to save it! I don't know that I would have thought to google how to rescue it.

  4. I think it would be very nice to have a piece of that wonderful fudge right now. Thanks so much for sharing your post with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen


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