Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Ship of Brides by JoJo Moyes

The Ship of Brides is not a newly published book – it came out in 2005.  After reading Me Before You I decided I needed to read some more books by JoJo Moyes.  She is clearly a talented writer.

The book is based on the voyage of the HMS Victorious in 1946.  On board this aircraft carrier were over 600 Australian women who had married British military men.  JoJo's own grandmother was one of them so I guess that was her inspiration for the book.

But this is not a historical account – it is fiction and the stronger for it.  The 3 main female protagonists are interesting as are a couple of male ones.

The book rang true to me – I recommend it to you.  And isn't the cover such fun!

1 comment:

  1. I just finished this book Carole and absolutely loved it, especially as I was reading it on a cruise ship holiday and I got engaged onboard too, so I felt very close to the characters in the book! My cover was different though yours is much more fun :)


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