Sunday, 21 December 2014

Honey Duck

Carole's Chatter: Honey Duck

I used a new technique to cook this Honey Duck – well at least it was new to me.  I had 2 duck breasts (skin on).

The day before I prepared the duck by pricking the skin all over with a sharp wooden skewer and then pouring boiling water over the skin side – you can see the skin tightening up in response.

After draining and drying the duck I then painted a thick paste of honey onto it and left it covered in the fridge to rest overnight.

I roasted this duck in a hot oven until the juices ran clear and the skin was nice and crispy.

I served the duck with a sauce made from honey, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, cayenne pepper and lemon sauce.  And rice of course.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! What an easy way to prepare duck, one of my favorites! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season Carole!


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