Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes


I advise you to read this book!  Don't look into what it's about – that almost put me off reading it!  But thanks to the recommendations linked to Books You Loved, I did get it from the library.
This book is witty, wise, heart-warming and a quick read
This book is not maudlin.
This book is a bit intense right at the end – have a tissue ready – but up till then not so much.  
Some of the blurb on the back of this book seemed completely wrong – maybe they were comments about another novel?
I'm glad I read it.  The only slight criticism I have is that some of the changes in point of view are a bit clumsy and you can end up wondering whose mind you are in.  But this is just a tiny thing in what is a very good book.



  1. Thanks for the enthusiastic review.

  2. This was the favourite book of the year for my book club, we just voted this week and it averaged a 8/10. A really great read isnt it :)

  3. I haven't read it yet. Thanks for the great review.

    Stopping by from Carole's Books You Loved September Edition. I am in the list as #27.

    My book entry is below.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Entry

  4. I loved this book as well....and I did think it was witty! But, also sad.


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