Sunday, 11 May 2014

Sichuan Ribs

Sichuan ribs by Carole's Chatter

I used a new technique, for me that is, with these Sichuan ribs.
The first thing I did was boil the ribs in water until they were tender – 1 to 1 ½ hours.  Take them out of the water and let them cool down.  Don't throw the water out – keep it as a base for stock.
When the ribs have cooled marinade them  overnight in the fridge in a marinade mixture made of the following:

¼ cup hoisin sauce
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup rice wine
3 tablesp brown sugar
2 ½ tablesp of peri peri sauce
1 ¼ tsp of five spice powder 

I didn't have any pre-prepared five spice powder so made my own by grinding together (in a mortar) equal quantities of cinnamon, cloves, fennel seed, star anise and Sichuan pepper.  (I lie a bit about the equal quantities – because I am not a huge fan of strong aniseedy flavour I cut back a bit on the fennel seeds and star anise)
Don't use all of the marinade at once – use half of it for the overnight marinade and keep the rest for finishing off the next day with the addition of 3 tablespoons of honey and a small amount of sesame oil which you whisk in to the reserved marinade.
Paint each rib with the new sauce and then grill them on a high heat for 5 minutes each side.  Paint with the sauce again.
Serve with lots of napkins – sticky, spicy and delicious!


  1. My uncle always boiled his ribs before grilling and I thought they were the best!

  2. YUM - love those flavors in the marinade! I usually brown my ribs in the oven before slow cooking them in my slow cooker. Love this boiling/grilling method - we'll have to try that!

  3. These look so flavorful!

  4. I like your technique in these ribs for a couplel of reasons. I like that I'm starting tomorrow's dinner the night before, for one. I'll bet the ribs are much more tender and moist than the old way. I can't wait to give this a try.

  5. I've never cooked ribs before. Thanks for the tip on boiling first. I also like that you keep the liquid for stock.
    Thanks for sharing, Carole.


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