Monday, 26 May 2014

Doris Day


Doris Day was born in 1922 – which makes her now 92 years old!  Wow!
Doris's first ever hit was Sentimental Journey (YouTube clip) in 1945.  She also was in almost 40 films. The only one I can remember seeing was Calamity Jane.
My favourite Doris Day song is Que Sera Sera (YouTube clip)– fabulous lyrics and tune.  I also really love Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps (YouTube clip).
Day is retired from the entertainment business but is still active in animal protection  issues. 


  1. I love Doris Day! I grew up with her movies. Blessings, Catheirne

  2. She is wonderful! Love her movies and her voice. So much class. I love Sentimental Journey, my aunt use to play it on the guitar and her and grandma sing it. Thanks for the blast to the past!

  3. I remember my mom always sang Que Sera Sera when driving in the car when I was young. Gosh that would have been over 50 years ago.


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