Thursday, 29 May 2014

Need Some Inspiration? Try Dairy Free dishes!


Chickpea Curry

There were 80 Dairy Free dishes in the Food on Friday: Dairy Free collection – absolutely fab.  Thank you to all who  contributed.
I have selected a few of the dishes to inspire you today.  You can see the rest of them at a glance on this Pinboard.
The first pic is of DietTaste's lovely Chickpea Curry.

Lisa from Cooking with Curls brought us this Limoncello Tiramisu Ice Cream

Look at these ingenious  Mini Tahini Cups with a Creamy Coffee Date Filling by Lisa's Kitchen.

And here is Cathy from Three Kids and a Fish with her Crockpot Turkey Chili

Aubree from Living Free brought over this super Pasta-Less Turkey Lasagne.

And here for you is Isabelle At Home's Green Tomato Bread 


  1. oops I guess I commented on the wrong post. Just confused about my tomato bread being labeled "I sing in the kitchen" thanks

  2. Hi Carole - thanks so much for featuring my Pasta-Less Turkey Lasagna! It's good stuff! :) All the best, ~Aubree

  3. Carole thank you so very much for featuring my chili, I truly appreciate it :-)
    Cathy @ three kids and a fish

  4. Hi Carole, thank you so much for featuring my ice cream! Have a wonderful weekend. :)


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