Saturday, 15 February 2014

Singapore - The spectacular Marina Sands complex

Marina Sands Complex Singapore

The Marina Sands complex is a relatively new addition to Singapore dating only to 2010.  It is an integrated resort designed by a Las Vegas company.  It is very close to the city.

The development cost over 8 billion dollars – yes billion!  It is quite spectacular.

Skypark on top of Marina Sands Complex Singapore

There are three 55 storey hotel towers.  And across the top of all 3 is the Sands Skypark.  The Skypark has restaurants, gardens and a pool.  The pool has an infinity edge – I would be much too nervous to go near it.

Casino in Marina Sands Complex Singapore

Also connected to the hotel is a huge convention centre, casino and shopping centre.  The casino is alcohol free – a Government requirement.  And if you are visiting it remember to take your passport – if you don't you'll be charged $100 to enter.  And amazingly there are still lots of locals there who have to pay each time they go. 

Canal in Shopping Centre part of Marina Sands Complex Singapore

There are some restaurants in the shopping zone with big name chefs such as Wolfgang Puck, Tetsuya Wakada and Mario Batali.  As a touch of Las Vegas style a canal runs through the shopping part too as well as some theatres and an indoor skating rink.  There is an ArtScience Museum as well.

This is not a sponsored post.  We have not stayed in the hotel but have visited the casino.  If you win the lottery you could do worse than visit the complex.
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  1. That would be so impressive to see. I am with you on being to afraid to go to the edge of the pool!

  2. Wow! Would love to see this in person!


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