Tuesday 24 September 2013

Glazed sausages

Glazed sausages:  Carole's Chatter

As you can see from the photo, I didn't do these glazed sausages with a blog post in mind.  Don't you just love the really old brown plate (that is part of a set I was given in the 70's).  It's so awful, it's almost cool.

Anyway, after I had made these I just took one shot and then when we ate them I realised they had turned out really well – so here they are!

So for a simple but tasty dish, fry yourself up some pork sausages (or whatever ones you like).  When they are nice and brown take them out of the pan and then in the sausage fat sauté some thinly sliced onion for a couple of minutes and then add one crushed clove of garlic.  And cook for another minute or 2.

Pop the sausages back in the pan and add ¼ cup of golden syrup (or maple syrup), 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar and 1 tablespoon of wholegrain mustard. 

Cook for another few minutes until the onion glaze has thickened a bit.

These would be great served on mash.

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  1. This sounds delicious! I am pinning it to try :)

  2. Carole,
    That plate really is cool--I'm glad you put up a terrific-sounding recipe even if you didn't plan out your photo.

  3. Like the idea of glazing sausages. Will have to try that.

  4. Glazing sounds so good! How fun that this dish made for such a tasty, unexpected post. Thanks for stopping in and linking, Carole.


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