Thursday, 29 August 2013

Girl with a Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Stieg Larsson book cover

I have only just got around to reading The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo – I know, it's been out for simply ages!  I ended up enjoying the book – but it does get off to quite a slow start – and it was only my normal stubbornness that made me keep on reading.

What really makes the book is the amazing female protagonist – Lisbeth.  I won't say much about her just in case you haven't read the book yet.

One warning – there are a couple of gruesome sex scenes in the book – which are not gratuitous – but still shocking. 

But, I'm still really glad I read it and I will be reading the next book in the trilogy soon.

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  1. I absolutely love that book! I devoured the next two straight afterwards as well. If you're tempted to watch a film, go for the Swedish version! Although the gruesome sex scenes are pretty bad :(

  2. It was an interesting trilogy and you are right that Lisbeth is a very affecting character, one that you really want to see come out as a winner.

  3. I loved, loved, loved this series!!! Yes...a little tough in parts but what great books.....Lisbeth is fantastic and the girl who portrayed her in the movie was FANTASTIC!!!!

  4. I really enjoyed these books a little troubling in parts but a strong storyline to carry it to the end. In fact this book is what first had me thinking about joining a book club as the books were leant to me by a friend and not something I would ever have picked up before. That then led me to search out a book club to read different genres. Funny how things turn out :)

  5. You definitely need to read the whole trilogy. It was awesome! Once you finish, I would recommend the Danish version of the movies - Excellent!


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