Saturday, 1 June 2013


Toronto Canada

I enjoyed my stay in Toronto – it was short but sweet.  

Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

It was summer there so I don't know what it would be like in winter although I was told that the big square in the centre of town (Nathan Phillips square) becomes an ice rink – that is quite hard for me to imagine.  

Old City Hall Toronto

The old City Hall which is adjacent to the square is a lovely old building.

Island Airport Toronto

Although it is the largest city in Canada, I was able to fly there from New York landing on a little island in Lake Ontario right by the middle of the city.  Magic.

CN Tower Toronto

The CN tower is a real landmark – it reminded me of the Sky Tower in Auckland although the CN tower is quite a lot taller.

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  1. Glad you enjoyed it Carole! And it's probably best that you didn't experience winter, LOL. It's not so much fun. Well, maybe I'm just jaded because I've lived here my whole life!

  2. Carole, thank you so much for featuring my website, Skinny Kitchen,for June!!! I just added your website to mine under Blog Community!
    Wishing you all the best,

  3. My niece came from Auckland and stayed with us one winter. She won't admit it, but it wasn't that bad. We taught her how to dress in layers and to select the proper garments. I did have to lend her a sheepskin jacket one day as it was quite bitter and I would have had to answer to her mom if she got frost bite. I'm trying to get her mom to visit and even promised her a Hudson Bay Blanket to keep her warm and snuggy.

    I live about an hour west of Toronto so am familiar with the images you showed. No bungee jumping off the CN Tower, that's for sure.

  4. I hope to visit there some day. My sister has relocated to Ottawa, so Canada needs to get on my travel plans soon!


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