Sunday, 2 June 2013

Piripiri Veal Rack

Piripiri Veal Rack by Carole's Chatter

We don't have veal often for some reason.  I saw a milk-fed veal rack at the store and decided to give it a go.  I marinated  it for one hour in a store bought Piripiri marinade and sauce.  This is a sort of South African chilli.  I then roasted it in a hottish oven for 20 minutes, then reduced the heat to moderate and finished it for another 20 minutes.

It tasted quite different from other meats.  We liked it but it must be said I don't need to eat it again right away.  I served it with a potato salad.

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  1. I don't think I've seen any veal racks in the grocery store near me. Yours didn't seem to take long to cook.

  2. I love veal..but I can't say I ever see a rack in the store.

  3. I have to admit, I have never eaten veal. It's intriguing but the prices here are awful. Looks great!

  4. I've never made veal. I don't know why. You have inspired me.

    Here's my Weekend Cooking post.

  5. I love piripiri (learned to like it at Nando's, on chicken), but I haven't tried cooking with it. The rack looks delicious!

  6. I adore veal but I've never seen a rack either.

  7. I really like veal, but rarely cook it myself.... piripiri is new to me. I'm intrigued.

  8. This looks delicious and it's so easy. Have a great week.


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