Thursday 14 March 2013

Downton Abbey – lovely television series

Downton Abbey

Now I usually talk about a book on Thursdays – but this time I am going to witter on about a TV Series – Downton Abbey.

I enjoyed this series a great deal despite having reservations about some of the acting.  The settings and clothes and period were just so fantastic that I could forgive almost anything else.

If you haven't yet fallen under the spell of Downton Abbey, do look out for it.  It doesn't have bad language, sex or much, if any, bad language – it is just good tv.

The castle in the series was Highclere Castle in Hampshire.

The outstanding performance in my view is by Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess of Grantham – fantastic (and sorry, Shirley MacClaine fans, better than her).  Every time Maggie makes one of her pronouncements it makes me think of "A Handbag!" from the Importance of being Earnest.

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  1. I love Shirley MacLaine but thought she was completely wasted in Downton. Not even sure why they included her character. Maggie Smith, as in everything she does, is glorious, and the series, overall, is very addictive.

  2. I agree, I love Shirley MacLain..but the chose her because she's supposed to be the MIL from the USA...than, I guess she's doing a great job!! Well, Maggie Smith is English, so it's just perfect!! I adore Downton Abbey and never miss it!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. One of my favourite television series. Maggie Smith is just fabulous, as she always is. Without her, I'm sure the series would still be great but definitely not the same.


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