Thursday 21 February 2013

John Grisham

I think I have read almost all of the John Grisham's over the years – including the ones with baseball settings.  You have to admire an author who can keep churning out page turners.

Sue some of the plots are a bit formulaic – but this just means you know what you are getting. 

Grisham wrote his first novel – A Time to Kill - while working full time in a law practice in Mississipi.  It was no more than a modest success in 1988.

It was his second book The Firm that marked his success as an author.  I think it is still my favourite.

He has written one book a year for every year since.  Wow.
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  1. One of my favorite authors is John Grisham. The book was far better than the movie. A favorite of mine that he wrote was The Street Lawyer which touched on the lives of the homeless in Washington, D.C.

  2. A Time To Kill is one of my favorite books and movies! Love him. My son even reads his kids books!!

  3. Wow! He has really written one book a year ever since!

    I have two favourites: The Client and Pelican Brief. I've re-read both a few times and they never grow old. I also enjoyed Skipping Christmas which was a deviation from his legal thrillers and was just fun! I've missed reading a few of his newer novels but have read most of his older ones. He is definitely one of my all time favourites!

  4. I've read A LOT of his books, but then they got to formulaic for me and thus boring. However, I love many of the books I read. A Time to Kill and The Painted House being my two favorites. I agree with ....Budget - that the books have all been better than the movies.


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