Sunday 13 January 2013

Radish and bok choy salad

This radish and bok choy dish was a simple but effective salad.

You do need to cook your bok choy – well in my opinion, anyway.  I did this by chopping up the stalky bits and frying them for a couple of minutes and then added the leafy bits and after only about 30 seconds I refreshed it in cold water to stop it cooking further and to keep the vibrant green colour.  I drained it and let it sit to dry out a bit on a paper towel.

The other ingredients in the salad were:

Radish – sliced finely
Red onion – only about a quarter of one, finely sliced
Capsicum (known as bell pepper in the US)
½ a carrot, thinly sliced
½ a courgette (zucchini), thinly sliced
Red chilli, sliced

The dressing was made up from:

A little pineapple juice (I had it left over from a dish that used the pineapple pieces but not the juice in the can)
Rice wine vinegar
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper – of course!

I won't give any quantities because it is really a matter of individual taste.

The salad was a nice mix of crunchy and soft, and of red/green.

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  1. Beautiful colors! I never thought of bok choy in a salad, but it sure looks good.

    Joy's Book Blog

  2. Don't care for radishes but like the rest of the ingredients. Sounds like a refreshing salad!

  3. It looks absolutely yummy with the different colors and textures.

  4. Wow that looks so pretty. I'd love to serve it to company.

  5. Just yesterday at the grocery store I bought a cabbage and looked at the bok choy right next to it. I told myself I should learn how to cook this yummy looking thing. Now I have a rerason to do so and you've given me the method of how to do that. Thanks.

  6. What does bok choy taste like? This looks good and I'm trying out that dressing! Yum!

  7. Bok choy seems like a good salad ingredient, although I have never used it that way. Sounds like it's worth a try.

  8. there are a number of "greens" that you can fry up and put in a salad that make it absolutely delisious! Thanks this gives me ideas!

  9. I've taken the baby bok choy and sliced it through the middle (long way) then melted some butter in the pan, put the veggies cut side down and left for a few minutes. sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper and thats it.\

    great to add fresh red onion to salads, sandwiches and more.

  10. What a nice combination for a salad. The pineapple juice in the dressing sounds like a great way to add some zing to the dressing.

  11. Love the colors of this salad - and it looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.


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